There are a number of very good export training programs out there. But one of the most important things to validate BEFORE you take training or hire an international manager is to ensure the market you select will work!
Whether choosing a state in the US to start with or an international country outside of North America, the homework is the same. Make sure your product will sell and figure out what needs to change to close deals faster.
Almost all countries in the world do business differently from your own market. Closing deals in new markets is more than understanding the culture, sales techniques and pricing.
The key is understanding WHY a prospect will buy from you in that market! What are the alternatives? Are there local products that are cheaper? And most importantly in price sensitive markets, is there an alternative to even using your product?
Some markets can replace your product with local service providers for half the price, never mind competing against local products. You need to understand the WHY well before you understand the HOW.
This is why it’s so important to have an international specialist do research and initial partner searches. Without this, you will waste time and money and spend 6 months wondering why distributors aren’t selling.
Exportspark reviews products and applies a data-driven process to determine which markets work best and helps drive distributor sign-ups in many markets. Contact us today to figure out your next market!