Canada’s history and development since confederation has produced a patchwork of regulations and trade restrictions within the country at a provincial level that have negative impacts on trade within Canada.

Exportspark has developed a webinar that reviews these barriers to trade, including the history and evolution of these restrictions, the most common that affect Canadian manufacturers and service providers and where to learn about them.

The webinar can be presented virtually or in-person based on geography, and was built to be incorporated into any existing educational series for associations, economic development agencies and government organizations to present to their memberships.

Contact Exportspark today to determine how we can bring this important topic to your members!

Case Studies

ASCM Western Canada webinar

ASCM WC Trade Barrier Webinar

Exportspark designed & delivered a 1-hour webinar on Canada's internal trade barriers for the Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) Western Canada focused on how provincial regulations affect supply chain.